Safety First
Kids are curious. Don’t we know it? So if you don’t show them how to be safe around the grill, they might end up hurting themselves. Regardless of your kids' age and experience around the barbecue, it’s always important to go through the fundamental safety tips with them:
- Stop, drop and roll technique in case clothing or hair catches fire.
- Use the right utensils so they don’t get burned.
- Be aware of hot spots on the grill. Even when not cooking.
- The safest place to stand while grilling.
- Keep hands hygienically clean while cooking.
Fun Stuff
Once your kids understand grill safety, it’s time to have a little fun!
Cooking is one of those essential life skills that everyone should learn and you’re never too young to start learning – even if it’s just the basics. And who doesn’t love to barbecue?
So, here are a few tips, tricks and ideas to get your kids grilling with success:
1. Burger Patties
Whether you have young children, tweens or teenagers, getting your hands dirty making your own burger patties is fun at any age. Go for slider patties for little ones and let them choose their toppings and how rare or well done. Check out our Mega Memorial Burger recipe for some awesome patties.
2. Pizzas
Making a pizza on the grill takes a bit of practice, but it’s the prepping that’s the fun part. Let your little bambinos grate cheese, roll out their dough and choose their favorite toppings while a responsible adult does the grilling. Be sure to roll a thin base and pre-grill it before putting the toppings on so it stays nice and firm.
3. Veggie Packs
An excellent and easy way to cook vegetables on the fire is to make aluminium foil packages of chunky veg to leave on the coals or the corners of your gas grill. Kids can choose herbs and spices, chop their own veggies with supervision and even shape their foil into their favorite animal before setting on the grill.
4. Dessert Skewers
Get the tykes to spike marshmallows onto skewers or for a healthier option skewer their favorite fruits.
*Side note: remember not to use foil on your gas grills.
Share your Summer
The most important thing about summer is to enjoy it together for the best memories. When you have the kids around the grill and you're having the time of your life, be sure to snap a pic and share your summer sizzle with us on Instagram, @megamaster_usa